The Healing Hub
Contact: Rev. Andy Heber Tel: 028 9083 6337
Healing is “Jesus Christ meeting you at your point of need” (Bishop Maurice Maddox) and we are all in need of healing. We believe that God is a God of love who longs to bring healing to people in this broken word. We also believe that he uses Christians as channels of that healing and that prayer changes things, often miraculously. Prayer is offered after all of our church services for anyone who needs it and can also be requested at any of our groups who meet in the church hall.
We have a small team who have undertaken Prayer Ministry training through the Acorn Christian Foundation and who are happy to pray alongside the clergy for anyone who is in need. Prayer can also take place in your own home if you would prefer this; please just ring or ask and we will pray for you in faith.
Our band of volunteers who are ready to help with matters of healing at any time.